
How to wear in summer evening dress collocation underwear

When you attend business dinner and so on, and when you need to wear evening dress, no doubt, a suitable underwear can let you properly reflects himself the most beautiful side, let you become the focus of the dinner.

Evening dress underwear need to tailor the selected:

Quality of a material is fully thin evening dress:

Underwear collocation point: smooth contour, younger, skin good girl, wear in summer style concise, quality of a material is fully thin light color dress will be very good-looking, underwear on collocation can choose to choose the color of skin smooth contour with evening dress fastens with color department or the underwear, so will avoid the embarrassment of explicit shape underwear. Contour bra design can make your curve more smooth, doesn't make the back of le mark appear embarrassed.

Without aglet tight dress:

Tie-in underwear points: aglet detachable, 1/2 cup size, wearing no shoulder belt bunch of chest dress, to request shape quite demanding, should choose to harvest the aglet corsage, cup type on choose 1/2 cup size rappel/abseil stations should be, because this cup type of supporting the bra force good enough. If the waist is more meat meat, also can choose to connect body design, can tighten the waist and back of the excess fat Fang.

A sense of luxury evening dress: wear the small formal attire of costly feeling, in the choice of bra should choose to wipe the chest type with lace design, beautiful lace not only increase women feel pity expensive and China, even a little uncover some outside also won't appear awkward, but will give sexy.

Informal short paragraph small formal attire:

Tie-in underwear points: underwear can appear, if is to an informal Party, dress style may be short of the paragraph or easy skirt outfit, underwear should choose can be exposed bra in, so that it can improve the whole outfit exquisite feeling, have the effect that make the finishing point.

Low bosom evening dress:

Tie-in underwear points: deep V bra, curl effect; For sexy low V type evening dress, it should choose design center low before a bra style, cover cup cover area is lesser, have very good side curl chest effect.

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